Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Caring for Aging Parents? What Do You Do Now?

Caring for aging parents can be quite challenging. Where should you begin? Today, let's talk about what would happen if it became unsafe for them to live alone. How would you determine when that day comes?

Maybe it becomes unsafe when they become weak and are unstable when they are walking. Have you noticed them holding onto walls or furniture as they walk. Many elderly do not want to admit when they need a cane or walker. They look at this as an outward side that they are old. Well, let's admit it, they are. But, this is hard for them to accept much less to admit. A cane or walker tells everyone they see that they are less independent.

Walkers today can be quite trend setters. When caring for aging parents you will become more aware of what is available as you see what others are using. You might suggest a rolling walker with an attached seat. This is very useful when walking a longer distance than they can actually tolerate because it provides them a place to sit down instantly. The walkers also come with a basket in front or under the seat for storage so they can carry items with them. This eliminates the risk of falling when they try to carry things. Aging parents often give this reason as to not wanting to use a walker; therefore, the rolling walker with a seat and storage automatically gives a solution to that problem.

As you are caring for aging parents you should also include a health care professional with the ability to teach them how to properly use the walker or cane. A physical therapist can be utilized in an out patient setting or in the home for those who are homebound. The physical therapist will teach them proper body mechanics and safety issues to consider when using the cane or walker.

When caring for elderly parents you also need to consider if a decline in their memory is becoming a safety issue. Think of what could happen if mom is cooking, leaves the room and forgets about the frying pan she started to heat up to cook some eggs or fried chicken. If she already put grease in the pan, we have a real problem. Mom could fall asleep watching television and not wake up until the kitchen is on fire, smoke is bellowing throughout the house and the sirens are blaring up the street. At the very least, the best case scenario may be, she walks in to realize she left the pan on, grabs the handle and burns her hand. We don't want to think the worst, but in reality, this could really happen. How will you protect your aging parent from a situation like this?

Now is the time to plan ahead on what your solution will be when this time comes. Talk to your parents now to ask them what their wishes would be. Getting their input on what they desire will make this time of decisions much easier when you find yourself caring for elderly parents.

Feeling Stranded? Online Therapy - Access All Areas

Having grown-up in the sticks in the Yorkshire Dales then later living in the Australian Outback and rural New Zealand, I love living in a remote area. Advantages: The peace, less traffic and seeing more stars at night. Also the privacy... no worries if you don't draw the bedroom curtains! As a teenager however, it could be the cause of whinging that "We are miles away from anything."

This frustration may be less vocal though equally felt by people of all ages living in a remote location at times. A common difficulty can be the lack of health professionals and access to wellbeing services. Perhaps you feel that your rural location stops you from making the changes you want, believing therapy requires meeting in person? It is not only geography that can lead people to feel "isolated", as shall be considered below too.

However, your whereabouts or other restrictions no longer need matter thanks to online therapy. The Internet allows you to access 'talking therapies' wherever you are whilst also overcoming many other restraints. Increasingly practitioners are offering an online service. Video technology such as Skype allows for face-to-face communication. This article will focus on Skype hypnotherapy sessions and things to consider when using this medium.

Skype is an online service provider that provides free calling between account holders and enables video chat. Its benefits, aside from the free calls, include easy and free set-up and good audio quality.

It is surprisingly easy to build a good relationship over Skype. This medium offers the same level of support and confidentiality as that of meeting a therapist face-to-face. Distance communication is not a new concept, Sigmund Freud communicated with his clients via letter.

Benefits that Skype therapy offers include:

It uses broadband which you are already likely to be paying for through your Internet plan.

Sessions at home remove any travel costs or journey times. No childcare costs to cover either!

Aside from the financial win, online also allows much more flexibility. You may find that your time zone works in your favour as virtual services open up flexibility on available slots. Whilst office-based appointments can become booked-up quickly, consider looking online to find a session for when you need.

The Internet is a global market so you have a greater choice of whom to work with. You can choose the practitioner who best meets your needs regardless of whether they are based nearby. It is important to choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable to help you achieve your goal, so having more options gives the freedom to make the right choice for you.

The online environment can offer an increased sense of privacy. Distance can offer an anonymity that helps you to relax and share more freely. An article in Newsweek (2006) reported that recovering addicts would benefit from online therapy, given unease at attending face-to-face support groups.

Being in your own home environment can help to make you feel safe and secure, especially for those experiencing social anxiety or agoraphobia.

Accessibility is a major benefit, overcoming mobility difficulties or constraints on leaving your home. It is ideal whether you are housebound or disabled, a carer or parents constrained by responsibility, or a travelling unable to make face-to-face appointments.

Distance nor a busy lifestyle should not prevent you taking the opportunity to make the changes you want in life. As the American entrepreneur Jim Rohn said:

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."


You will need fast internet connection and a computer with a webcam. Most computers or laptops have a built-in mic and camera. If not, these can be inexpensive to buy.

A therapist offering a Skype service should provide clear guidance to working together this way. A good practitioner will answer any questions you may have and ensure that you are clear on everything prior to the Skype call. The therapist should also outline their confidentiality policy as well as general information such as cancellation terms.